Queremos alentar a los hombres a que vengan con otros hombres de sus iglesias cuando sea posible. Este fin de semana es una gran oportunidad para que los pastores se conecten con hombres de su iglesia y oren juntos. Los pastores pueden asistir Roundup gratis si su iglesia tiene 10 registros pagados (aun si su iglesia no reservó una cabaña o una yurta). Llame para obtener un código de registro especial para su pastor. . . 10 .
All registration closes Wednesday, August 28th. After the 28th, register at the event.
Jueves, comenzando al mediodía puede reservar su espacio: $5 por persona
Early arrival does not include Cabins or Yurts
($5 por persona si se queda la noche el jueves + $5 por espacio reservado).
Esta tarifa se paga al personal de Roundup en Tadmor.
The offering for Men’s Roundup this year will go toward improvements in the Forum, specifically around heating the Forum during the colder months. Years ago, the Forum was built by Men’s Roundup for this event. As Camp Tadmor’s schedule has gotten busier and camp has become a year-round rental location, the need for a large, heated, indoor space has grown.
Church Venture Northwest’s winter youth events, Growth Getaway, and Winter Youth Conference currently rent large tents to mitigate this issue, but this is a mediocre solution that is quickly becoming very expensive.
This year’s offering will help fulfill this need and provide a heated indoor space for the churches, events, and other groups that are served by Tadmor during the rest of the year. After getting bids from local heating companies, the estimated cost of this project is $20,000. Camp Tadmor has committed to cover the remaining funds needed after the offering.