men's roundup toolbox

What is the toolbox?

If you’re running your own local men’s event and would like advice or are looking for resources, look no further than the Men’s Roundup Toolbox. We made this resource originally during the two years where we were unable to meet, but the resources are still valid and may work to help you create an amazing local event. We look forward to seeing you and your men’s group at this year’s Men’s Roundup event!

help using these resources

jeff breitler - past president

Jeff Breitler

Associate/Mission Pastor at FBC of Medford, Jeff was the 2020 President of Men’s Roundup.

doug weaver - secretary


Men’s Roundup President, and planner of Sonrise Church of Hillsboro’s  2nd annual Men’s Roundup Local Church event.

Make Your Event a Win For Your Local Church With These Guidelines

1, 2, 3-day event suggested format

1-day event guide

Click to download the 1-day event PDF Guide below.

2-day event guide

Click to download the 2-day event PDF Guide below.

3-day event guide

Click to download the 3-day event PDF Guide below.

Links to recommended session content

rightnow media website

rightnow media bible videos

A streaming library of more than 20,000 bible study videos for leaders to share with their people. Visit their site for more details here.

33 the series website

33 the Series authentic manhood

A multi-volume video series that gives men a vision for manhood as modeled by Jesus in his 33 years on earth. Visit their site for more details here.

paul tripp's men of faith conference

men of faith by paul tripp

Christian author and former Men’s Roundup speaker Paul Tripp is offering the Men of Faith conference as a 3-part session with discussion questions. Visit his site here for more details.

roundup on youtube


If your men’s group wasn’t at one of our events in the past, this might be a great opportunity to watch sessions from a past event. Visit the mru youtube playlist page.

parkside church youtube page

parkside church with alistair begg

Alistair Begg and his pastoral staff have a large library of former sermons available on their website. Visit the site here for more details.

sun valley cc with chad moore

Pastor Chad Moore of Sun Valley Church was the speaker in 2022 at MRU. Watch messages from this growing church in the Phoenix area.